Peace Corps used to send us lots of Newsweeks. That was Bolivia time though, volunteers worldwide stopped receiving the magazine, saving PC some serious dough. Anyways, I had cut out one of many glamour shots of The Man (who in a weird way I work for now...yay!), and it arrived yesterday along with the rest of my stuff that had been carefully listed, packed, and sent here to Panama. The PC Bolivia staff did an incredible job going to each of our sites, following ridiculous instructions like, "look under the bed and inside the shoebox...my favorite pen is inside and I'd like that to be sent back too." Absolutely everything I asked for arrived. Yet, it was a strange feeling, really like opening a box of memories. And when my friends and kids and Dracula didn't pop out of the box, I was indeed saddened. But moving on...I now have that trusty emergency radio from Grandparents Lambert, so I can listen to the many stations that play Panamanian music (though did hear a new Britney Spears song thrown in the mix last night), my Cornell Football shorts, wool socks (!!!), and my stuffed lamb. For some reason, I feel like NOW I can move on, though I've been in another place (many, in fact) for 4.5 months.

Cashew season is a-coming! This tree randomly had ripe fruit (still haven't tried one, since I'm afraid of the poisonous shell hanging down...). When they're really in season, my entire yard will be full of them. It's the only kind of fruit tree I have...and yes I will be inviting everyone in town to pick fruit, and so yes I will have a photo shoot with cute kids and cute cashew fruits. Speaking of cute kids..

Some of my readers, with Huevos Verdes con Jamón. That's Green Eggs and Ham. Today I went to my first trimesterly meeting for my region. Found out there is a lending library for kids' books in Spanish! I had to pay $3 in dues, but totally was worth it for the bag of books I'll get to have in my site for 4 months. Of course, all your donations are always welcome (also math tools would be useful! flashcards, compasses, rulers, et al.). The best thing about this is now I know where YOUR book donations will be donated when I leave country.
Planning to build an "estufa mejorada" (better stove...the kind that uses less wood and smoke goes out a chimney) mid-Feb.
1 comment:
Cashews! That's a neat and handy snack tree, for sure! Love the pictures. Happy that you got all your belongings -- pretty cool. Now if only you could get your regular mail in a timely fashion. It is snowing up a storm here. Love, UK
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