Friday, February 13, 2009

wasn't planning on posting this week, but waiting for some stuff to download, so i'll make you a list of coming attractions:

1.  "rocket" stove...building one this Sunday
2.  digging a fish pond at my host family's house
3.  exercise class with women in town (in the works)
4.  more reading (Panama has possibly pushed back school starting date from March to April...that's one less month of school!)


TWSL said...

What's a rocket stove?? My regular stove suddenly seems very dull..

Flaming Curmudgeon said...

Is it a stove for cooking rockets? Or a stove that looks like a rocket? Or does it shoot your food into space -- which seems mighty inconvenient unless you're trying to slim down? How far down do you have to dig until you hit fish? Panama certainly is a place of marvels. Love, UK