Big grasshopper. I put the pen up there for comparison but didn´t want to arrange it because I was going to scare the insect. Taking this picture made me miss a bus.
Not wildlife. But I like my new sustainable bowl. It´s what people used here before ceramics, and they still use these, mostly to scoop water. It´s made from a squash-gourd. And I like eating my stir-fry out of it because it´s the perfect size, plus I know when I leave here I will be able to throw it on the ground and it will decompose. Mother Earth is the most sustainable designer.
Goslings at my host family´s. I had a video of them being too cute for their own good, but it didn´t upload onto here for some reason. The baby goat is due in April.
BAAAAT. BAAAAAT. anyone remember that Office episode. I have no exclamation mark on this keyboard, or at least all the puncuation is switched. Well this bat clearly was attracted by the banana peels I had in my bowl of stuff to be composted...but it was strange to see it during the daylight, and so close to the house. Mona must have been eating cockroaches or something, but I´m glad she didn´t see this one because she still doesn´t have her Rabies vaccine and you never know with bats. I poked it and threw some rocks at it to get it to fly away, but it took some real convincing. It must have been injured, but it did fly away.
Nature scares me. I'm so glad you took that picture of that giganto grass hopper and missed the bus. I mean, that's LIFE in one sentence. Love the bowl. Not wild about the bat. But at least the bat's not in your belfry. Uncles sometimes push the humor a tad too strongly. I love how you continue to look at things from different emotional angles -- that's a gift, keep it close to you. And when you start making cockroach tamales, then I'll know that nothing will ever annoy you again. Kidding, kidding. Miss you -- but also enjoy missing you. It means you are elsewhere feeling elsewise and learning -- which is in tandem with teaching which you are obviously born to do. Now, it is time for another jumping photo!
Love and smooches, UK
love this-- you are truly one of the most easygoing and caring people I know!! amazing that these pests as they are considered in the US are not a huge bother to you. compassion goes a long way girl. stay cool!
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