Pictured: cherry tomatoes, peppers, oranges, bananas and one honkin' big papaya. These things were given to me over just 2 days, when I went visiting to families. It's a wonderful custom in Panama to give when you have something to give. Maybe in the United States, with all the economic downturn, it's good to take an example from the Panamanians, who for the most part don't really think in terms of a good or bad economy. They think of giving on a daily basis to their friends, family and neightbors, whatever they can. I was hesitant to vocalize my problems with money to my host family, but they quickly learned that I could not afford to buy myself a bed, furniture or really even a door for my new house. Suddenly, they told me they'd give me the door they'd bought for me to use when I lived with them (my host dad cut it to the new size), and they had a table they didn't really need that now lives with me. My neighbor gave me a chair, a bed, a mattress and even a pillow.
If you look around you, there's probably something you have more than you need of, and there is probably someone who could use some of that abundance. I'm not just talking money, but perhaps time to spend with a lonely person, or a favor done for someone who needs help, and hour of volunteer work (you don't need to be in Peace Corps for that). Just a thought...but everyone can give something to others, so what's stopping so many people from that?
1 comment:
Well, you're exactly right. You are also giving back to the community with your kids' library and ambitious example. We know 2009 is going to be a big year of giving and receiving, not just lost-and-found! Speaking of giving, waylaid Bolivia packages are on the way.
Love, M&D
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